In this Issue:

Chairman’s Corner | Reflections | Interview with Co-Youth Ministers |Youth Cottage | Church Calendar |Nursery Refresh | Local Missions | Missions Trip to Tallahassee | Benevolence Outreach | Prayer Request



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W. James Ormond, Board of Governors Chair – 2023-2024





Come this Fourth of July, we will observe our National Day of Freedom. Many of us will have cookouts, street parties, and fireworks to commemorate our independence from England which occurred on September 3, 1783. That is the day the Treaty of Paris was signed, and the United States of America was first officially recognized by the western world. But since 1870, we have celebrated July 4th as our nation’s National Day of Freedom. Why? Because on this day in 1776 delegates from the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to declare their independence from King George III of England. It would take a bloody war lasting seven years to secure it. Freedom always comes with a cost. 

During the Continental Congress, a document was created and signed by these delegates known as The Declaration of Independence. In that document are these words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“Freedom”, “Liberty” and “Independence”; these words are used a lot these days in our public sector but what do they really mean? Are there any limits or restrictions for these concepts to work in any given society?

When Moses led the enslaved Hebrew people out of bondage in Egypt and into the wilderness these people experienced a freedom that they had not known for generations. But before they could become the free nation of Israel, they had to receive a set of laws, what we now call the Ten Commandments. This meant their freedom had to be limited for them to live in harmony and peace with each other and with their God. 

Generations later, a man from Nazareth by the name of Jesus appears and preaches in the synagogue from the prophet Isaiah and says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).

This freedom that Jesus offered came with a cost, His own death upon a cross. But if Jesus sets you free, you will be free indeed. For He said, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:34-36).

Are you a part of God’s forever family? Have you acknowledged Jesus as your Savior? Jesus says, “Behold I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). If you have not invited Jesus into your life, I invite you to do so now and experience the true freedom found only in Christ. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Gal. 5:1). 

Happy Holiday in your newfound freedom!

By Rev. Rich Pollock, Worship Committee Chair







July 20 – Board of Governors Meeting – Fellowship House

July 28 – Youth Sunday – 8am and 10am – Chapel

August 11 – Final 8 am Service for 2024




The Nursery Committee invites you to join us in growing the ministry that serves our littlest of worshipers at EAMC…the nursery! We have already started our nursery refresh with new carpet and paint.

We are now looking to update cribs, rockers, toys, books, and other items that will help us better serve our babies and toddlers. We have created a registry on Amazon that lists the items that we would like to add to the nursery.

If you would like to help us with this home-based mission, just log on to the link below to purchase items. Thank you, in advance, for helping us to continue to provide a safe, nurturing, and loving environment for our precious children!

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to Lisa Godwin, 919-356-8768. 






With a finger always on the pulse of our community, Emma Anderson’s Local Missions Committee discovers the needs and takes action. 

Recently, the committee became aware of the increasing need of preparing Sunday meals for clients of Share the Table, a faith-based community Food Ministry founded in October 2010 by Executive Director, Dawn Ellis, and currently supported by EAMC. 

Beginning in May, Gayla MacMillan organized volunteers who prepared (in the Fellowship House kitchen) and delivered about 140 meals to Share the Table once a month. The shopping, prepping, cooking, delivering, and serving was done by willing volunteers who enjoy the effort and the fellowship! 

Dawn says, “Our mission is to respond to God’s call to nourish our community by providing food where there is hunger, fellowship where there is loneliness, and education to end the cycle of food insecurity.” Emma Anderson is blessed to continue participating in this effort.




On Sunday, June 9, following the 10am worship service, a “Connect” event was held on the grounds of the Youth Cottage. This was a great opportunity to meet the Co-Youth Ministers, see old friends and make new ones.




We arrived at noon, and we got a hearty welcome of “You’re just in time for orientation!” So, with orientation, we changed into work clothes, met our team, and off we went – to the jungle! Trees had gone down every which way on this property; electricity had just been hooked up that morning. There was a 10-foot swath of brush, fallen trees, vines where Rich is standing. In one hour, our group of 7 was able to clear that path. 

After 2 days of sawing, hauling, and cleaning up the yard, we were done. The follow-up crew had to come take the tree limb off of the propane tank.

When a group is finished with a project, we give the owners a Samaritan’s Purse Bible, which is a special edition. It’s the New King James and has a topical index in the front and the 50 most asked questions of Billy Graham in the back, plus is signed by all of us (that was my job). These folks were raised on Billy Graham on TV and were so grateful for the help we provided. Diane was blind; so, I sat with her describing what we were doing.

Tallahassee had never had a tornado; those who experienced it were in total shock. Kathleen was still in shock, and this was three weeks later. She was in the recliner, which is just above Rich’s shoulder. The tree fell right where his head is. She was asleep watching TV. She woke up with the crash. All she had was a scratch on her cheek! We all called it a miracle! 

Day three was clearing a huge back yard and organizing brush to be picked up by a skid steer. Just getting to that house was an adventure. The home owner was so impressed that we were volunteers that he spent the day helping us – which then overflowed to his neighbor’s yard! We invited him to dinner and he shared with our group of 50 how impressed he was by the whole organization. He hopes to volunteer when he can.

Submitted by: Julia Pollock

EAMC volunteers were: Rich and Julia Pollock and Gale Ebert




EAMC is putting together a team to travel to Guatemala October 26 – November 2, 2024. Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ while building houses, working in an orphanage, helping with a food distribution program, and much more. If you have ever wanted to participate in away missions, this is a great opportunity. For more information, please contact Jim King at (252) 341-4535.




Presentation from EAMC to Tim’s Gift in Clinton. Becky Spell, Tommy Newton, volunteers.

An example of the Benevolence outreach of EAMC – thanks to our affiliates’ generosity.

For background information, please refer to the April – May 2023 newsletter article entitled “Spotlight on Local Charities” which can be found on our website. (click here)



If you have prayer requests, please submit those through our website on the “Prayer Request” tab.

If you wish to join those affiliates that pray regularly for others, please click at the bottom of the Prayer Request form.



July                                                     (Worship at 8 am and 10am)


Rev. Steve LeRoux, Senior Pastor

Rose Hill Baptist Church – Rose Hill, NC

Sponsor: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds


Rev. Matt Seals, Pastor

First Methodist Church – Clinton, NC

Sponsor: Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Williams



Rev. Dr. Jay Ferguson, Pastor

Emmanuel Global Methodist Church – Bluefield, VA

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mahood



Youth Sunday

August                                     (Worship 8 am and 10am)


Rev. Chad Brannan, Senior Pastor

New Bethel Baptist Church – Verona, KY

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lund

11                                         (last 8am Worship Service for 2024 )

Rev. Dr. Michael Lea, Pastor

First Baptist Church of West Jefferson – West Jefferson, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell


Rev. Eric Morphis, Pastor

Vanceboro Global Methodist Church – Vanceboro, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sanderson



Rev. Jon Cawley, Interim Pastor

Mount Airy Friends, – Mount Airy, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hatch


To see the full minister list for 2024, visit our website.        



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You can also view past sermons by clicking here.


Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel is a nondenominational church that gathers for worship, the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, and Christian fellowship.

Our mission is to glorify God and to proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all.


Topsail Beach NC 28445









Chapel  •  1040 S Anderson Blvd  •  PO Box 3071

Fellowship House  •  1045 Channel Blvd

Parsonage  •  1101 S Anderson Blvd

Youth Cottage  •  1038 S Anderson Blvd  •  PO Box 3197


© 2021 Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel.