God is the generous giver of all things and so we give out of gratitude for His generosity to us.
Our giving reflects how much we love God and trust Him to meet our physical as well as our spiritual needs. But giving can be especially difficult when it comes to our money and possessions.
The giving of our time, talents and resources makes a difference and helps change lives.
Thank you for believing in the vision and mission of Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel. Your generous act of giving supports the chapel’s expenses and our varied ministries, both near and far.
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (II Corinthians 9:6-7)
Categories of Giving
Gifts may be made to these funds as established by the Board of Governors:
- General Fund
- Building Fund
- Endowment Fund
- Memorials (If giving online, please indicate in the Note/Memo section the name of the person being remembered plus the name and address of the person who should be notified of the memorial.)
Ways to Give
Give during the Offering in Church on Sundays.
We appreciate your donation via cash or check.
Mail your Gift to the Chapel.
Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel, PO Box 3071, Topsail Beach NC 28445
Donate via Personal Online Banking.
Check your financial institution’s online banking website for instructions.
Donate on Our Website.
Simply click the Give Now button to donate from your checking account or by credit card.

Donate via the app on your Smart Phone or Tablet.
Download the app for Android or iOS devices from your app store. Gifts can then made through from your checking account or credit card.
How to Use the App >>