May – June 2024 Newsletter


In this Issue:

Chairman’s Corner | Reflections |Church Calendar | Kingdom Crafters | Affiliate Spotlight | Missions Trip | Easter 2024 Highlights | Columbarium Update



W. James Ormond, Board of Governors Chair – 2023-2024


On Thursday, May 2nd at 12:00 PM you are invited to join us in the chapel to pray for our nation. It will be the 73rd time God’s people in America have paused to pray for the well-being of not only of our nation, but of the world. This year’s theme is LIFT UP THE WORD – LIGHT UP THE WORLD. It is based on 2 Samuel 22:29-31 which says, “You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light. With your help I can run through a barricade; with my God I can scale a wall.”

This National Day of Prayer began in 1952 when a young evangelist by the name of Billy Graham stood on the steps of the Capital and asked the 20,000 people who gathered there that day (February 3) to pray. Later that year a joint resolution of the United States Congress was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman declaring the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer.

So, why pray as a nation or for our nation? Isn’t prayer a personal thing between a person and their God? Not in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Prayer is a community thing. Listen to what the Word of God says about prayer: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

We are known as “a praying church” by many who visit us in the summer. Whenever we gather for worship, Bible study, Sunday School, or fellowship – we pray. We pray for forgiveness; for healing; for wisdom; for understanding; for guidance; and not only for ourselves, but for others.

Prayer is our spiritual communion with God our Father through His Son in the power of His Spirit. The Apostle Paul tells us to “put on the full armor of God” (Eph. 6:10) and then to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the saints” (Eph. 6:18). This we do.

So, join us at noon on Thursday, May 2 in the sanctuary of the chapel to pray for the church of Jesus Christ, the nuclear family, for our schools and the students in them, for the workplace, our military, our government (local, state, and national), and for the arts, the world of entertainment, and for our media. We will have brochures in the bulletins and in the vestibule to guide you. Whether you are with us in the chapel or at your home that day, we encourage you to PRAY.

God is our shield if we abide in Him and His Word abides in us. We can take up our shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph. 6:17) and run boldly into the darkness of this present world to Lift Up the Word and Light Up the World! Come pray with us.


By Rev. Rich Pollock, Worship Committee Chair


May 2 – National Day of Prayer – Noon – 1:00 pm – Chapel

May 12 – Annual Choir and Handbells Sunday – 10:00 am – Chapel


Our closet is getting full so we decided to ship some items to Knit For Kids. This is an extension of World Vision. They send items to disaster areas year round. We gave them 2 baby blankets, 21 scarves, 2 children’s sweaters and 4 baby hats, a pair of mittens and one fun purse.

We are currently working on curtains, blankets (crochet the edging), our t-shirt dresses, and baby blankets for our October mission trip. Would anyone would like to participate? We can teach easy skills 🙂.

Come join us Wednesdays at 10 for fun crafting and fun chatting 😀.

Submitted by: Julia Pollock, Chair


Ray and Ginger Teachey Family



EAMC is putting together a team to travel to Guatemala October 26 – November 2, 2024. Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ while building houses, working in an orphanage, helping with a food distribution program, and much more. If you have ever wanted to participate in away missions, this is a great opportunity. There will be an information session with a light meal provided for those interested on Thursday May 9 from 5:45-6:30pm on the top floor of The Fellowship House.  For more information, please contact Jim King at (252) 341-4535.


Seelybanks Brock will be returning this summer as a Co-Minister. Banksie has been with the EAMC Youth Ministry for two years as an Assistant Minister.

Daniel Geil will be joining Banksie as a Co-Minister. Daniel has been involved with Emma Anderson Youth for many years.

Check out more about Youth Leadership on our website or click here for bios:




The Benevolence Committee would like to thank the congregation for their generous donations of condiments for Share the Table during the month of March.

Be on the lookout for a “Diaper Drive” for Share the Table during the month of June. More information will be coming soon!


If you are receiving this newsletter, you and your family are special to Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel. Whenever we learn that one of our affiliates has passed away, we want to be able to pass along any information you would like to share. That is done through a bereavement email to our 500 plus affiliates. If we do not hear from someone in your family directly, we try to reach out to you. If you do want us to send out an announcement, we are so happy to do so. Your input is the key. In some cases, people prefer to write it up themselves and send it to me. Some send an obituary with its link which is always nice to include and usually includes a picture. Some send me a small jpeg picture. Below is a list of questions I offer to share with you that help me write up the email and make it more personal as to the family member’s experiences at the beach and the Chapel. Please let me know if/how I can help you with this.

Full name

Dates you want included

Survivors’ names

Special memories of the Chapel and Topsail

Involved in at the Chapel and/or Topsail

Services and details if known

Donation preferences if any

Anything else you want to share including a small-sized jpeg picture, obituary link that can be opened by all

You can call/text/email me or get this to me in any form of notes that is easiest for you.

Thank you,

Sandra Davis

919 605 6362


Easter Sunrise is always a special event at Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel. 2024 brought over 600 people to the service followed by an opportunity to “Connect”.

At the request of the Flower Committee – Penny Burrell and Ginny Barnett – Henry Kirby made a lovely cross for which flowers could be placed by all attending the 10:00 am Easter Sunday Service.


The Planning Committee is pleased to report that the Board of Governors has voted unanimously to move ahead with the construction of a columbarium on Chapel grounds. As soon as our committee is able to get the proper paperwork compiled to certify niche ownership, we will begin officially selling the spaces.

Members of the Planning Committee and the Building and Grounds Committee are collaborating to build the columbarium as promptly and as efficiently as possible.

Thanks to everyone who has worked on this project so far and to everyone who will bring it to fruition. May our affiliates and their families be blessed by this endeavor and may God be glorified.


Stuart Sanderson, Planning Committee Chairman

Questions: or 919 606 0921


If you have prayer requests, please submit those through our website on the “Prayer Request” tab.

If you wish to join those affiliates that pray regularly for others, please click at the bottom of the Prayer Request form.


May (Worship at 10am)


Rev. Keith Marsh, Rector

Church of the Messiah – Gwynedd, PA

Sponsor: Mr. and Mrs. Dick Burrell


Choir Sunday- Service presented by Choir and Handbells



Rev. Grant Staubs, Lead Pastor

Mid-Way Baptist Church – Raleigh, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryan



Rev. Jim Baldwin, Minister to Senior Adults

First Baptist Church of Wilmington – Wilmington, NC

Sponsor: Mrs. Loretta Barefoot

June 2024 (WORSHIP 10am)


Rev. Dr. Michael Lea, Pastor

First Baptist Church of West Jefferson – West Jefferson, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell

9             (8am Worship Service Begins)

Rev. Jason Palacio, Associate Clergy

Holy Trinity Anglican Church – Raleigh, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Damon Brock


Rev. Dave Owen, Sr. Associate Pastor

Providence Church – Raleigh, NC

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Scout Brock



Rev. Eric Schwirian, Sr. Pastor/Chaplain

Trinity Lutheran Church – Pelican Rapids, MN

Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frazier



Rev. Joshua Gilmore, Dir. of Community Connections and Ministry

North Greenville University – Tigerville, SC

Sponsors: Rev. and Mrs. Rich Pollock

To see the full minister list for 2024, visit our website.


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You can also view past sermons by clicking here.

Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel is a nondenominational church that gathers for worship, the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, and Christian fellowship.

Our mission is to glorify God and to proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all.


Topsail Beach NC 28445


Chapel  •  1040 S Anderson Blvd  •  PO Box 3071

Fellowship House  •  1045 Channel Blvd

Parsonage  •  1101 S Anderson Blvd

Youth Cottage  •  1038 S Anderson Blvd  •  PO Box 3197

© 2021 Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel.