Christian Education
Adult Sunday School
8:50 – 9:45 a.m. (Sundays year round)
Fellowship House, top floor
Group members are encouraged to read their own Bibles daily.
Teacher, Rich Pollock, EAMC affiliate and retired Presbyterian minister, always comes prepared to inform and challenge. Study books are provided and lively discussion is guaranteed.
Men’s Bible Study
9 – 10 a.m. (Fridays year round)
Fellowship House, top floor
Faithfully studying God’s Word and praying for each other are the priorities of the men’s group, coordinated by affiliate David Barnes. The men take turns teaching the lesson and bringing a light breakfast snack. Coffee is provided. Newcomers are always welcome.
Women’s Bible Study
9 – 10 a.m. (Fridays year round)
Chapel, south wing
This group meets each week to study the Bible with affiliate Sandra Denny. They delve into Scripture to explore meaning and application, occasionally taking short breaks to study quick topics like the Apostles’ Creed or the Tribes of Israel. Otherwise it is true Bible Study and topics are by group vote. The women pray for each other and those in need. Come one and all.
Women’s Summer Bible Study
9:30 – 11:30 a.m. (Dates change annually)
Fellowship House, top floor
Treat yourself to time with the “girls” studying God’s word, praying for each other, making new friends and reconnecting with others. New topics explored each year. Study books will be available for purchase at the first class. Light snack provided each week and, almost always, an impromptu invitation to lunch afterward!
Teens/Young Adults
College/Young Adult Sunday School
8:50 – 9:45 a.m. (Sundays June – August)
Fellowship House, library (2nd floor)
This group is not currently meeting. If there is enough interest, we will definitely make it available again.
Church Nursery
8:35 – 11:15 a.m. (Sundays year round)
7:45-11:15 a.m. (Sundays Mid June – Mid August)
Chapel, North Wing
Infants to age 4 are invited to attend our newly refreshed baby and toddler room to the right of the sanctuary in the North Wing. Adult caregivers provide a safe and entertaining experience for your little ones. An age-appropriate Bible story is shared each week along with prayer and a nut-free snack. No sign up required, just come by.
Children’s Sunday School
8:50 – 9:45 a.m. (Sundays year round)
Fellowship House, ground floor
K–6th grades study God’s word and age-appropriate principles of Christian living through stories, music, games, art and drama. They use the same teaching material as their parents. Five adults rotate as teachers each week. This program is a blast! Bring a buddy.
Children’s Church
10 – 11 a.m. (Sundays mid-June – mid-August)
Chapel, Fellowship House, ground floor
K–6th grades begin in 10:00 a.m. worship with their families. After the children’s sermon, they exit the side door with adult leaders to go to the Fellowship House where they are treated to a time of Bible-based learning and fun with affiliates Ginny Barnett and Judy Draper. Parents, please pick up your children at the Fellowship House behind the chapel after worship.