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Our Choirs

Emma Anderson Memorial Chapel is blessed to offer an amazing music ministry to those who worship with us. It is frequently praised by our guest ministers as being one of the best they’ve heard. Our Chancel Choir provides a rich musical experience to compliment services every Sunday. Our Chapel Handbell Ringers enhance our services on two music Sundays and other special occasions throughout the year.

During our annual Choir Sunday in May, our entire worship service praises God through music. In December, our choirs present a highly-anticipated Christmas Cantata to ring in the Christmas season.

To accompany our music, we are fortunate to have a Yamaha conservatory grand piano and a professional grade organ, that on most Sundays are played simultaneously by our talented pianists and organist.

Ready to Ring or Sing?

The choirs are led by a highly experienced director. Membership is open to anyone wishing to contribute their talents. No audition is necessary. The choir uses an SATB format (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) so is open to both men and women. The handbell choir uses a three-octave range.

Those interested in ringing handbells should contact Merle Morris at Those interested in raising their voices to the glory of God should attend practice on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. All practices take place in the Chapel.