Reverend Chris Thor is a Methodist Conference Revival Speaker in Yadkinville, NC. His scripture reading was Revlations 3:13.
Reverend Kaye Fry
Reverend Kaye Fry is Pastor at Stony Hill United Methodist Church in Albemarle NC.
Living Under the Sun- A Search for Meaning by Reverend Jon Cawley
Reverend Jon Cawley is Interim Pastor in Mount Airy, NC. His scripture reading is Ecclesiastes 1.
“Seeking a Homeland” by Reverend Chip Stapleton
Reverend Chip Stapleton is Senior Minister at Highland Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville NC. His scripture reading is Hebrews 11:1-3; 8-16.
“Thoughts and Prayers” by Reverend Barrett Payne
Reverend Barrett Payne is Presbyterian Pastor at Lillington Presbyterian Church in Lillington, NC. His scripture reading is Luke 11:1-13.