Celebrating the Light

Celebrating the Light

As I look at my calendar for April and May, I realize spring is here and summer is just around the corner. With all that has gone on with our weather this winter (rain, rain, and more rain) and the social interaction restrictions due to the pandemic, I am more than ready for summer! How...

The Key to Unity

The Key to Unity

Since the Inauguration of our new President on January 20, there has been a lot of talk about unifying the country. So how do we achieve unity? This is the topic of this month’s reflection. At the end of His prayer in the garden on the night He was betrayed, Jesus said this, “Righteous Father,...

Understanding the Cross, By and By

Understanding the Cross, By and By

March is the season of Lent, which for us means Lenten Luncheons. So mark your calendars for all five Tuesdays in March starting at noon in the Assembly Building where we will gather for food, fellowship and hear from a different inspirational speaker each week about “what the cross means to them.” What difference does...


About Those Resolutions…

Welcome to the New Year and a new decade. So have you made any New Year’s Resolutions yet? Oh, “what’s a New Year’s resolution?” you ask. It’s a “To Do” List for the first week of January!

Making New Year’s resolutions aren’t really new. The Babylonians tried it and later so did the Romans. In the medieval era the knights made them and, according to recent polls, 40% of Americans still do. However there is an 80% failure today.

Find out what Rich has to say about why resolutions don’t last.

The Miracle of Thanksgiving

The Miracle of Thanksgiving

Rich reflects on America's two months of "feasting festivals" at the end of every year-- Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations, celebrations, and feasts with family and friends. But how or when did it all begin?